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Beautifying The World, One Fireplace At A time

The Fireplace Design Experts

Our Experience

Background in the arts + Decades painting homes.
We know materials, techniques & design

Painted Finish

Customized Options

Your ideas + our service
Innovation, just the way you want it

Decorative Plaster Finish

World Class Service: Step-By-Step Design

European Influence, just up the road

Stone, Wood, & More

The Color Craftsmen Experience

Contact us whether or not you know exactly how you want to change your fireplace. We can offer many different prospects for your unit. Our process helps customers define and refine their taste and sense of style.

We like to understand what you don’t like. That helps narrow the scope of options. We often take cues from your choices of furniture and other accents and colors in the room.

Customized Options

Innovation is a highly prized skill at The Color Craftsmen. Our decades of experience enable us to recommend little-known products that will accomplish what’s needed for your fireplace.

World Class Service: Step-By-Step Design

Communicating via phone, email, or text — the choice is yours. Often we’re able to have text interchanges with you after hours or on weekends and holidays. Past training at sites across America and Europe has prepared us to provide exceptional skill and craftsmanship.
Ready to Replace or Update Your Fireplace? You’re on the right site!

The Color Craftsmen

Discover The


Below is a typical brick fireplace. Follow the arrow to find five prospective outcomes for your fireplace.

Below is a typical brick fireplace. Follow the arrow to find five prospective outcomes for your fireplace.

Plain Fireplace
Plain Fireplace

What can be done with a plain fireplace?

St. Louis' Premier

Fireplace Artisan

We’ve helped countless homeowners bring to life the hearth of their dreams. Listen to what they have to say about our craftmanship!

Fireplace Renovations

Dream Big

Educational Section

Below, you’ll find several different kinds of fireplace materials. Click on any you’d like to examine. Generally, there are several different things that can be done with every kind of material.

You don’t need to settle for small changes. Dream big! Modern materials can allow your fireplace to have a whole new look.